We invite you to celebrate with us the beginning of the 17th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology in a welcome reception at the exhibition area of the congress venue!
Join us to greet each other, network with our sponsors and exhibitors and give the congress the beginning it deserves: Lively, vivid, and joyful!
- Date: Thursday, 23 May 2024
- Time: 20:00
- Venue: Royal Hotel Carlton
- Price: Included in registration
For over 30 years, six nights out of seven, for over 290 evenings a year.
These are the numbers of Cantina Bentivoglio, included since 2002 by the famous American magazine “DownBeat” in the list of the 100 most important Jazz Clubs in the world.
Join us to celebrate a successful EFS 2024 Congress in this fantastic venue, that combines 3 necessary ingredients towards happiness: Tasty food, great wine and excellent music.
Cantina Bentivoglio promises an unforgettable experience to all delegates that will decide to join us and discover the gastronomy, wine quality and jazz history of Bologna.
- Date: Friday, 24 May 2024
- Time: 20:00
- Venue: Cantina Bentivoglio
- Price: 65€ (not included in registration)