The Scientific Committee welcomes the submission of original contributions until 20 December 2023 7 March 2024 (Extended).
Please note that for the LATE submission period, only submissions of Oral and e-Poster Presentations will be possible.
All accepted abstracts/proposals will be presented via the following presentation types:
Open paper sessions (Oral and Oral Flash)
– Our open paper sessions are the backbone of the EFS conference.
– Open paper sessions will give new and experienced researchers, clinicians, educators and policy makers an opportunity to share their research, work, ideas, tools, etc with our European Sexology family. Organised by theme colleagues submitting an abstract will be asked to indicate in which thematic stream their work would fit best.
Authors of the accepted Open Paper abstracts will be allocated a slot of:
– For Oral Presentations: 15 minutes (10 minutes to present and 5 minutes for questions & debate)
– For Oral Flash Presentations: 5 minutes (3 minutes to present and 2 minutes for questions).
Open symposium
– Open symposia are where great sexology minds meet and debate in public.
– Participants are free to submit open symposium propositions on any theme on sexuality. Hence the open symposia will not be organised thematically but will be aligned within any of the 4 subdisciplines in sexology highlighted in the conference: Clinical sexology, sexual education and health promotion, sex research and policy on sexuality and relationships.
– Submissions will be asked to indicate whether to which track ‘subdiscipline of sexology’ their symposium belongs. Open symposia make room for groups of professionals to consecutively talk about and discuss related topics, making room for 3 15 minutes presentations and leaving 15 minutes for debate between the presenters and the participants.
Open Symposia tracks:
Clinical sexology can be seen as all and any activities related to tackling and treating sexual problems in the broad sense. We welcome clinical sexology submissions on e.g. treatment of sexual dysfunctions, sextherapy, couple therapy, group therapy, psychotherapy on sexuality and relationships, medical interventions in the treatment of sexual problems, etc.
Sexual education and health promotion can be seen as any and all activities related to educating the public on any topic related to sexuality and sexual health and wellbeing. Whether on a micro level, eg. sex education in classrooms, or on a macro level, sexual health campaigns, any tools, strategies or best practices with regards to sexual education and health promotion can be tackled here.
Sex Research stands apart within the larger academic research community. Within this track best practices, methods and strategies for researching sex, sexuality, gender, and any related topics can be discussed and shared. Also issues regarding sex research ethics are a valuable addition for proposals within this subdiscipline.
Policy on sexuality and relationships is often a forgotten subdiscipline within sexology. Here questions are asked with regards to the organisation of healthcare and services with regards to sexuality, relationships, gender, etc. both on a meso level, how care is organised within your hospital, institution, etc. and on a macro level, how societies and governments create the societal spaces in which we try to be sexually happy and content. Topics as legislation, governmental policy influencing sexual health and wellbeing, sexual ethics, get their well deserved attention in this track.
Demo Sessions
– Demo sessions will give sexoloxists a chance to share something concrete with the participants of the sessions, to take home and directly apply in their own work. Applicants for Demo sessions will be asked to indicate whether their demo is live showcasing clinical skills and enable the participants to practice the skills themselves (clinical sexology subdiscipline), showcasing innovative sex research methods or tools and giving participants room to experiment with them (Sex research) or is demonstrating tools and materials for sexual education or health promotion and giving the participants a first hand experience in using them (Sexual education and health promotion).
e-Posters will be available for browsing through screens during the congress, and will not be associated to specific talks in the programme.
Important Notes
Authors are exclusively responsible for the submission of their paper according to the paper submission guidelines and for submitting their e-poster presentation in due time according to the submission deadline, 20 December 2023 7 March 2024 (Extended).
The presentation of the abstract will not be allowed in any of the following cases:
- The presenting Author has not completed registration and payment for the Congress upon receiving the notification of acceptance of the Abstract
- Deadline for submission of the abstract is not respected
- The abstract template is not followed properly (can be downloaded below)
- Missing data (authors, institutions, wrong subtitles, etc) or forms
- An abstract exceeding the maximum length (up to 300 words)
If guidelines are not followed, papers will be returned to sender/writer to correct them, if the abstract deadline hasn’t expired.
Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and scored on scientific merit, originality and relevancy to the field of Sexology.
Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
The Scientific Committee reserves the right to change the thematic topic during the abstract evaluation process according to the requirements of the scientific programme.
Would you need any assistance with the submission process, please find here the guidelines that should solve your inquiries.